Simflowny – Segmentation

Simflowny – Segmentation

Simple models contain only one region, where heterogeneity is only given as a result of different initial values for the problem fields. An example of this may be a pool with a fluid, or a region of space filled by an electromagnetic field. The context in these cases is provided by boundary conditions, which establish the relation between the problem region and its surroundings.

However, more complex scenarios involve different regions (segments) governed by different physical models. Most realistic physical scenarios fall in this category. Some examples are:

Physiological simulations: cardiac dynamics, vessel dynamics, muscular dynamics, neurological simulations, etc.

3D worlds, with different physics for soil, buildings, avatars, air,…

Quantum chemistry, involving the creation and destruction of chemical bounds

Bioinformatic simulations, such as protein folding, DNA dynamics, cell dynamics, etc.

The Segments management in Simflowny permits to define static segments in which different models apply. A segment is the geometrical region on which the problem is defined. Dynamical segments will be supported in future versions. The platform allows for the definition of a main domain, which essentially amounts to define maximum and minimum values for your problem coordinates, plus static segments within this domain.

Within this domain segments belonging to two different segment types can be defined:

Mathematical segment: this is a segment defined by its max and min values on the coordinate system.

Vectorial segment: this is a segment defined within a vectorial file. Simflowny supports X3D as a standard for vectorial files. Other formats, such as Collada, or VTK, can be converted to X3D with the help of different conversion tools. There are also free CAD editors, such as Blender, that let you design segments and export them as X3D.

Different models can be applied to different segments. It is also possible to define specific models for the surface of a segment, or define a specific boundary condition on such surface.